Got a home shop and machine as a hobby? Have you ever considered machining as a career? You should. Because it doesn’t matter if you finish with face mills or
fly cutters. If you simply know the difference between the two, there are CNC shops that demand your skills.

Looking for a Few Good Men and Women
Just like the military, manufacturing companies are looking for a few good men and women. They are starving for skilled machinists. The economy is booming and while manufacturing levels in different business fluctuate, CNC operators, set-up technicians, programmers, and coordinators stay in demand. CNC machining produces tools, dies, molds, medical equipment, and other items in high demand. In just 10 years, the U.S. Department of Labor projects that the number of CNC machine jobs will increase by over 39,000. You don't even have to move because there are jobs are available in almost every state. States as varied as Wyoming and Mississippi are some of the hottest spots for
good paying CNC-related jobs. Wyoming has the highest wage at $52K and California has the lowest at $33K.

set of fly cutters
CNC Training
Specialized CNC machine training can be completed in less than 12 months. There is no degree for CNC operator. But, many technical training programs offer a Certificate in CNC Machine Operation. You can get a two or four year degree in Industrial Systems Technology, Manufacturing Technology, Machine Technology, and Manufacturing Engineering. No matter what route you take, you need to start with a high school diploma or G.E.D. equivalent. Machining requires certain abilities to be effective and successful. Working with your hands and being comfortable with tools and machinery is a must. Good communication skills will also help you advance in the CNC machining world. Having the ability to clearly make your ideas known and understood is crucial to working well with others in the shop environment. The more you know about computers and electronics the better. CNC depends on computers.

The Tool Company is Here to Help
The Tool Company is proud to support manufacturing and machining in the United States. We believe that American products and American machinists are the best in the world. That's why we sell American made products to American machinists. We only sell the highest quality tools such as fly cutters, saw arbors, multi-stops, and
tool holders. Everything sell is made with American pride and craftsmanship. You’ll find our products in commercial and home shops where the CNC operator cares about quality. If you want the best, start machining and use tools from The Tool Company.