Do you machine with precision or do you machine with ultra precision? Know the difference? Ultra precision machining removes material to an ultra-high standard at a tolerance of tolerance of 0.002″ or 0.005 MM. You can grind, turn, and mill at ultra high precision tolerances. But, to maintain those tight tolerances you can't tolerate staggering tools. Ultra precision machining demands ultra rigidity. You need an
ultra precision arbor to get that required ultimate rigidity.

Ultra Precision Machining for Different Industries
Manual and CNC machinists serve many different industries. Parts for defense, dental/medical, aerospace, and high tech industries require machining with ultra precision and tight tolerances. It's not easy to produce these very small parts. Think of them as tiny in size and huge in requirements. But, the pay-off is tremendous. This is definitely a money-making niche. Are you up to the challenge? If so, customers are waiting. See, there's no room for mistakes when you have tight specifications. But if you can handle tight tolerances and produce parts on schedule you've got a ready-made market. Just prove your shop is up to the job. Assure them you have the machines, training, and tools to get it done. That means using ultra precision tools held with with an ultra precision arbor.
Use an Ultra Precision Arbor for Tight Tolerances
Precision machining means removing material precisely. That takes a cutter held by an ultra precision arbor for maximum rigidity. Rigidity is required if you want to keep the cutter on the work instead of staggering around the stock. It doesn’t matter if you are proto

typing or producing the finished product, the finished piece must match the job specifications. You must control the cutter at all times. Keep the cutter on the job with an arbor. Keep cutting with ultra precision with an
ultra precision arbor from The Tool Company.
The Tool Company sells tools made in the USA with ultra precision. You need rigidity, we've got it. If you want tight tolerances, don't tolerate anything less than The Tool Company quality.
Order today.